Within each panel of microarray data, each column contains the a-CGH data for a given strain while each row corresponds to a probe for a chromosomal location. The leftmost three panels show the data for probes to the S. cerevisiae genome, located on chromosome V (“YD’ followed by chromosome coordinate), XIV (‘YN”), and XVI (”YP”); the rightmost three panels show data for probes to various regions (contig “c” followed by contig number) of the S. mikatae genome. 838 is the S. cerevisiae parent strain, AWRI 1529 is the S. mikatae parent strain NCYC2888, and AWRI2526 is the hybrid strain CxM1. Red hybridisation intensities for a probe indicate the presence of that species’ genome region, while green hybridisation intensities indicate the absence of that species’ genome region. The reduced intensity of S. mikatae probes in the hybrid dataset indicates a reduced S. mikatae ploidy level relative to S. cerevisiae, within the hybrid genome.