Table 2.
Treatment response criteria.
Time on therapy (months) | Treatment failure | Suboptimal response | Optimal response |
3* | No CHR | No CG response | CHR with <95% Ph+ |
6* | >95% Ph+ (no CyR) | 36–95% Ph+ (less partial CyR) | ≤35% Ph+ (partial CyR) |
12 | ≥35% Ph+ | 1–35% Ph+ (partial CyR) | 0% Ph+ |
18 | ≥1% Ph+ | <MMR | MMR |
Any | Loss of CHR | Loss of MMR | Stable or improving MMR |
Loss of CCyR | Imatinib-sensitive mutation | ||
Mutation, CE |
European LeukemiaNet’s (ELN) criteria for patient failure and suboptimal response to imatinib therapy.
These criteria were modified in the 2013 update of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines.
CCyR, complete cytogenetic response; CE, clonal evolution; CG, cytogenetic; CHR, complete hematologic response; MMR, major molecular response; Ph, Philadelphia chromosome.