Table 2.
List of Single Nucleotide Variations and Insertion–Deletion in the Adult Wildtype Zebrafish (ASWT) Genome
List of variations | Number of variations |
Total number of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) | 5,289,829 |
Homozygous SNVsa | 1,179,274 |
Heterozygous SNVsb | 4,110,555 |
SNVs mapping to dbSNP (v130)c | 96,600 |
SNVs mapping to Sanger single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) datasetd | 43,775 |
Novel SNVse | 5,149,454 |
SNVs mapping within genesf | 3,514,884 |
SNVs mapping to intergenic regionsg | 1,774,945 |
Total number of insertion–deletions (indels) | 1,658,655 |
Total number of insertions | 765,131 |
Total number of deletions | 893,524 |
Indels within genesh | 438,748 |
Indels in the intergenic regioni | 1,219,907 |
Where both the alleles differ from the reference.
Where only one allele differs from the reference.
SNVs identical to dbSNP dataset v130 for zebrafish.
SNVs overlapping with Sanger SNV dataset for Zebrafish (variants called by Stemple Lab, SATMap project, and available at Ensembl database).
Novel SNVs identified from the ASWT zebrafish genome.
SNVs present in protein-coding genes available at Ensemble and RefSeq databases as predicted by variant effect predictor tool.
Variations present between protein-coding genes as predicted by variant effect predictor tool.
Indels present within the RefSeq genes.
Indels present between RefSeq genes.