FIG. 1.
Oxidant and antioxidant capacity in plant lines with modulated glutathione contents. (A) Leaf contents of NADP(H), ascorbate, and GSH in Col-0, cad2, cat2, and cat2 cad2. White bars, reduced forms. Black bars, oxidized forms. (B) Leaf peroxide contents in Col-0, cat2, cat2 cad2, and cat2 gr1. Plants were grown at high CO2, where the cat2 mutation is silent, then transferred to air to initiate oxidative stress in the cat2 backgrounds. Samples were taken 4 h and 4 days after transfer. Data are means±SE of at least three biological repeats. Different letters indicate significant difference at p<0.05 for leaf contents. Note that x-axis legends to parts A and B are different.