The proton-induced response of membrane-reconstituted GLIC after injection into and consequent fusion with the plasma membrane of Xenopus oocytes. A, electrophysiology recordings in response to pH jumps from uninjected oocytes and oocytes injected with aso-GLIC, EcoLip-GLIC, and PC-GLIC. The dose-response curves were measured at a relatively low membrane potential of −20 mV, because this seemed to generate more stable base lines. An electrical response to pH 4.0 showing the effect of 150 μm amantadine (gray bar) is shown on the right (scaling arbitrary). The latter were performed at a membrane potential of −60 mV. B, peak current achieved upon exposure of oocytes injected with the indicated reconstituted membranes at pH 3.5. The reported values are the averages ± standard deviation from five recordings performed on five difference oocytes. C, comparison of the dose-response curves obtained from oocytes injected with the membrane-reconstituted GLIC or GLIC mRNA. The dose-response curves from oocytes injected with membrane-reconstituted GLIC were normalized assuming a pH50 of 2.90 according to Velisetty et al. (51).