Growth factors are common targets of Class I HDAC inhibitor and sirtuin activators during wound healing.
A, representative immunohistochemical staining for EGF, FGF-10, and IGF1 in mouse skin treated with solvent or TSA 5 days after wounding. B, chromatin immunoprecipitations. Graphs show the relative HDAC2 enrichment on growth factor gene promoters (EGF, FGF-10, and IGF1) after 1 h of treatment with TSA, MC2562, or control solvent in HaCaT cells. C, Western blot analysis of HDAC2 expression in HaCaT cells after TSA or MC2562 treatment versus solvent. D, immunofluorescence analysis of EGF, FGF-10, and IGF1 expression (green) in HaCaT cells after TSA or MC2562 treatments versus solvent. Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst (blue) (magnification ×40).