Figure 8.
Comparison of our mean rPST to data from previous studies. (A) Comparison of the mean rPST ± 1 s.d. [Fig. 3B; thick line and shading] to rPST in Ravicz et al. (2010, Fig. 4; gray dotted-dashed line) and rPST computed from SV and ST sound pressures (not necessarily in the same ears) from Décory et al. (1990, Figs. 4 and 5; thin black line solid or dashed >5 kHz, see Sec. 4C1). (B) Comparison of rPST ± 1 s.d. (shading) to that computed from SV and ST sound pressures (not necessarily in the same ears) in cat (Nedzelnitsky, 1980; dashed line), human temporal bones (Nakajima et al., 2009; solid line), guinea pig (Décory et al., 1990; dotted-dashed line), and gerbil (Olson, 2001; dotted line). The ME was opened widely for all measurements. Both panels: Top: Magnitude; bottom: Phase.