Figure 3.
Mean (± SE) mucosal dry mass and concentrations of protein and DNA in the duodenum (left) and jejunum (right) in rats subjected to transection or resection surgery and parenteral nutrition. n = 3–10 per surgery group per time point. * denotes means that are significantly different from baseline (time 0), # denotes time points that are significantly different from baseline (time 0) for both resection and transection surgery, and † denotes time points with statistically different means for resection and transection surgery; P < .05. The differences between means were examined by 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). General linear models were used to analyze the main effect of time on resection and transection surgery. In the duodenum (resection and transection respectively) P values for dry mass are .40 and 27; protein, .002 and .006; and DNA, .003 and .02. In the jejunum (resection and transaction respectively) P values for dry mass are .003 and .58; protein, .0004 and .46; and DNA, .01 and .46.