Fig. 1.
Lineage tracing of adult midgut and hindgut progenitors. (A,B) Gut progenitor lineages labeled by lacZ. Progenitors were labeled from early larval stage by a lineage-reporter gene (lacZ, red) activated by esg-Gal4 (A; esg lin trace) or byn-Gal4 (B; byn lin trace), respectively. Labeled progeny of progenitors in adult gut are depicted. Arrows in A indicate labeled renal stem cells on Malpighian tubules. Current expression of byn-Gal4 >UAS-GFP in adult hindgut is shown in green (byn current). Nuclei are stained with TOTO-3 or TOPRO-3 dye (shown in blue) in all confocal pictures of all figures hereafter. (C) Schematic depiction of larval and adult hindgut-midgut boundary region, illustrating the movement of gut progenitors that is inferred from lineage-tracing experiments. Scale bar: 50 μm.