Table 1.
Core gene functions in S. Typhimurium
Biological process | Sub-process | Required genes | Non-required genes |
Cell division | ftsALKQWYZ, minE, mukB, SL2391 | ftsHJNX*, minCD, sdiA, cedA, sulA | |
DNA replication | Polymerases I, II and III | dnaENQX, holAB | polAB, holCDE |
Supercoiling | gyrAB, parCE | ||
Primosome-associated | dnaBCGT, priA, ssb | priB*C, rep | |
Transcription | RNA polymerase | rpoABC | |
Sigma, elongation, anti- and termination factors | nusBG, rpoDH, rho | nusA, rpoENS | |
Translation | tRNA-synthetases | alaS, argS, asnS, aspS, cysS, glnS, gltX, glyQS, hisS, ileS, leuS, lysS, metG, pheST, proS, serS, thrS, tyrS, valS, | trpS, trpS2 |
Ribosome components | rplBCDEFJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY, rpmABCDHI, rpsABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQST | rplAI, rpmEE2, rpmFGJJ2, rpsOR*U*V | |
Initiation, elongation and peptide chain release factors | fusA, infABC, prfAB, tsf, yrdC | efp, prfCH, selB, tuf | |
Biosynthetic pathways | |||
Peptidoglycan | murABCDEFGI, | ddl, ddlA | |
Fatty acids | accABCD, fabABDGHIZ | – |
Protein-coding genes providing fundamental biological functions in S. Typhimurium. Genes in bold are required in S. Typhi (LLR between required and non-required models less than −2; see ‘Materials and Methods’ section). Asterisk indicates genes ambiguous in S. Typhimurium, having a LLR between −2 and 2.