Fig. 2.
Disorder regions predicted by our ab initio predictor PreDisorder (named MULTICOM_REFINE in CASP9) for one CASP9 target T0597. The length of the target protein is 429 AA. The real 3D structure of T0597 is shown on the top of this figure. The helix is shown in red colour, sheet in yellow, and loop in green. Disorder regions of the target protein are 1–18, 182–213, 276–285, and 424–429, and are also identified in the figure. Below the 3D structure, correct predictions are identified by red thick rectangles, the regions predicted as ordered but experimentally disordered are identified by virtual black rectangles, and the regions predicted as disordered but experimentally ordered are identified by virtual purple rectangles. TP is 59, TN is 314, FP is 49, FN is 7, positive sensitivity is 0.894, positive specificity is 0.546, negative sensitivity is 0.865, and negative specificity is 0.978.