Delayed secondary crosslinking re-directs hMSC matrix interactions & fate choice without altering cell shape. a, Schematic of delayed UV exposure following 7 d growth media incubation. b(i),d(i), Representative TFM images, b(ii),d(ii), hydrogel deformations (*p < 0.001, t test), and b(iii),d(iii) circularity of hMSCs within MeMaHA hydrogels following b, D7 UV exposure or d, D7 UV exposure and an additional 14 d mixed media incubation. c, HA release from D7 UV versus −UV hydrogels (normalized to total HA content) in the presence of 20 nM MMP-2. e(i), Representative brightfield image of a D7 UV hydrogel, with encapsulated hMSCs stained for ALP (osteogenesis) and lipid droplet (adipogenesis), and e(ii), relative frequency of lineage commitment within D7 UV hydrogels following 14 d mixed media incubation (*p < 0.001, #p < 0.005, t test). Error bars represent standard errors for the mean. Scale bars: b,d, 25 µm; e(i),10 µm.