Figure 3.
A detailed view of thee different “IsoClark” introgressions on chromosome 03. The CGH data is shown as gray spots. Diamonds represent the positions of SNP markers in this region: red diamonds indicate SNPs matching the “T203” haplotype, while blue diamonds indicate SNPs matching the “Clark” haplotype. As expected, the introgressed “T203” regions exhibit structural variation (UpCNV and DownCNV) relative to the “Clark” control. Haplotype 1 (top) appears to be a continuous ∼10 Mb introgression of “T203,” haplotype 2 appears to be a smaller (∼6–8 Mb) introgression, and haplotype three appears to be a quadruple recombinant where part of the introgression is interrupted by the “Clark” haplotype (at position ∼41 Mb).