Serum alanine aminotransferase (A), aspartate aminotransferase (B), serum creatinine (C), blood urea nitrogen (D) and 24-h urine protein (E) levels are elevated in rat exposed to cadmium for 14 weeks. Rats were divided into four groups and treated with CdCl2 at three different concentrations (high dose 1.225, mid-dose 0.612 and low does 0.306 mg/kg body weight, respectively) or with 0.9% NaCl as the control. ALT, serum alanine aminotransferase. AST, aspartate aminotransferase. BUN, blood urea nitrogen. SCR, serum creatinine. 24hPro, 24-h urine protein. All the data were shown as χ̄ ± SE. * means p < 0.05 compared to corresponding control group. # means p < 0.05 compared to corresponding low exposure group. Δ means p < 0.05 compared to corresponding high exposure group (Analysis of variance and Student-Newman -Keuls, or Kruskal-Wallis and Games-Howell test).