eNOS−/− lymphatic contractile parameters are plotted against pressure on the x-axis, and include end diastolic diameter (EDD; A), tone (B), contraction amplitude (AMP; C), ejection fraction (EF; D), contraction frequency (FREQ; E) and fractional pump flow (FPF; F). Filled points indicate eNOS−/− responses to pressure steps, while the open data points represent eNOS−/− function in the presence of l-NAME (n= 10). All data are means (± SEM). When error bars appear missing, they are actually contained within the data points. Data in each graph were fit to a curve as appropriate, except for tone and FPF, which were necessarily splined. *Filled versus open data points differ significantly (P < 0.05); ‡filled and open data points both differ from their respective first data point at 0.5 cmH2O; †only filled data points differ significantly from the first data point at 0.5 cmH2O.