RNAi Knockdown Analysis of Os Emp5 Expression in Transgenic Rice.
(A) DNA gel blot analysis of independent Os Emp5
RNAi transgenic lines (lines 19, 23, and 33) using the hpt gene as a probe.
(B) RT-PCR analysis of endogenous Emp5 expression in three transgenic lines. Os Actin (X15865.1) was used as control. Primers Osactin-F, Osactin-R, OsEmp5-F, and OsEmp5-R (see Supplemental Table 1 online) were used in RT-PCR.
(C) Phenotypes of Os Emp5
RNAi transgenic plants at the seedling stage and in T1 progeny segregating defective seeds. Bars = 5 cm.