Inhibition of Ammonium Transport Capacities in Roots of the Triple Insertion Line qko+AMT1;3 (qko+13) by Ectopic Expression of AMT1;3TD.
(A) Influx of 15N-labeled ammonium into roots of the qko, qko+13, and two independent lines of qko+13-35S:AMT1;3TD. Six-week-old Arabidopsis plants were precultured in nutrient solution containing 2 mM ammonium nitrate and subjected to N deficiency for a period of 4 d prior to influx analysis. 15N-labeled ammonium was supplied at a concentration of 200 μM. Bars indicate means ± sd; n = 8 to 10. Significant differences at P < 0.01 according to Tukey’s test are indicated by different letters. DW, dry weight.
(B) Protein gel blot analysis of microsomal membrane fractions from roots of the same lines as in (A) using the anti-AMT1;3 antibody.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]