Simulated curves showing the influence of inner-sphere bound water residence lifetimes (τ M) on r1IS, r2exch, and CEST for various lanthanide complexes as a function of τR, Δω, and B1, respectively. The theoretical curves shown were calculated for 3T. The reported τM values for GdTREN-bis-1,2-HOPO-TAM-N3 [13], GdPCP2A[15], GdDOTA [37], EuDOTAM-(tBu)4 [32], EuDOTA-(gly)4 [30], EuDOTA-(gly)2-(DMB)2 (where DMB = 3,3-dimethylbutan-2-one) [38] are placed along the upper abscissa to illustrate the wide range of water exchange rates that are possible.