(A, B) Stage 15 embryos immunostained for a puc-lacZ enhancer trap (green), TJ (red, SGPs), and VASA (blue, germ cells). (A′, B′) puc-lacZ alone. (A, A′) raw heterozygous controls. (B, B′) raw134.47/raw155.27. Arrows indicate pucE69-lacZ expression in SGPs; arrowheads indicate pucE69-lacZ expression in GCs. The gonad has been outlined with a dashed line. (C-F) Embryos immunostained to label the TRE-GFP AP-1 reporter. (C, D) Stage 13 embryos. TRE-GFP AP-1 reporter (green). (E, F) Stage 15 embryos. TRE-GFP AP-1 reporter. (green), VASA (blue, germ cells), and TJ (red, SGPs). (E′, F′) GFP alone. (C, E, E′) raw134.47 heterozygous controls. Inset in E′ indicated by solid square. (D, F, F′) raw134.47/raw155.27. Arrows indicate TRE-GFP expression in the SGPs. Inset in F′ indicated by solid square. The gonad has been outlined with a dashed line. Scale bar: 10 μm. Posterior is to the right.