Figure 3.
Mutagenic repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Broken chromosomes are repaired by break-induced replication. If tandem repeats (indicated as arrows) are present at the breakpoint and repair is initiated out of register, it can lead to deletions (1) of the sequences between the repeats. When the distal part of the chromosome is lost, the centromerecontaining fragment (with the centromere depicted as a solid black circle) can be repaired using another chromosome as the template leading to non-reciprocal translocations (2) where the broken chromosome acquires sequences from another chromosome (shown as gray shaded boxes) and in some cases it can be repaired using intrachromosomal regions (3). In all cases, the broken chromosome can capture telomere sequences (depicted as colored regions at the end of each chromosome) by BIR copying to the end of the template.