Cold pre-conditioning and related effector cytokines increased hippocampal pyramidal layer interleukin-11 immunoreactivity. (a–d) We observed the most IL-11 immunoreactivity at the pyramidal cell layer in all groups. Here, we show faint and sparsely distributed IL-11 immunostaining under control conditions (a) that markedly increased 24 h after cold pre-conditioning CP (30°C for 90 min) (b), TNF-α exposure (TNF-α; 100 ng/mL) (c), and IL-1β exposure (IL-1β; 100 ng/mL) (d). (e) CP, TNF-α, and IL-1β (n = 9 per group) significantly (p < 0.001) increased the number of IL-11- immunopositive cells at the pyramidal cell layer. Scale bar, 50 µm.