Figure 4. Differences in plot scale 2D electrical resistivities indicating Festulolium induced soil surface drying.
Higher surface resistivities in Prior treatment compared to other grass cultivars indicates lower water content in January 2008 (A) and December 2008 (B). Data are 2D electrical resistivities, log10(resistivity in Ohm-m). from electrical resistivity tomography, determined using a 32-electrode 2.9 meter length Wenner array with 0.09 meter minimal electrode spacing. The computed electrical resistivity measures the ability of the soil to restrict flow of electrical current laterally and vertically. The six treatments were Lp-Lolium perenne cv AberStar, Fp-Festuca pratensis cv Bf993, LpxFp- L. perenne x F. pratensis cv Prior, Lm-Lolium multiflorum,cv AberEpic, Fa-Festuca arundinacea cv Dovey and LmxFa-L. multiflorum x F. arundinacea var glaucescens cv 99/1. Average values over 0–20 and 0–40 cm depths across 2D transects. Statistics carried out using a two-way ANOVA with Genstat 13th edition.