Fig. 2.
3D (non-Lac-edited) MRSI acquired from a patient with PFS of 2 mo and OS of 7 mo at F2mo. The individual spectra show peaks corresponding to Cho, Cr, NAA, Lac, and Lip in the lesions. Voxels with a Cho-to-NAA index (CNI) > 3.0 are highlighted in dark grey, voxels in light grey had CNI between 2 and 3, and voxels in the T2 lesion within the PRESS volume (T2L) were outlined in black thick line. Numbers in the spectral array represent values of excess Cho (exCho), the differences in Cho compared with those in NAWM adjusted by the changes in NAA. Spectrum from the top left corner with a relatively high NAA peak had exCho of 0.07, whereas that in the opposite corner with a low NAA was 0.72. Elevated exCho values are seen in the regions of the T2L with increased CNI.