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. 2013 Apr 29;63(610):e309–e317. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X667169

Table 3.

Summary of included studies for DEP5 assessment — effectiveness of assessment of severity

Study reference Study type Aim of study Number of participants Characteristics of participants Method of analysis Methods
Chang et al, 201214 and Yeung et al, 201223 Quasi- randomised controlled trial To assess whether communicating patient-reported depression symptom severity to primary care physicians affects patient outcomes at 6 months 364 patients in the intervention group and 278 in a control group; 82 physicians enrolled at least 1 patient; 40 assigned to intervention, 43 to control Patients: intervention 67.6% female control 64.6%; mean age 46.6 years(SD = 15.0 years), intervention; 45.3 years (SD = 15.4 years) control; physicians: most were family practice physicians or internists (intervention 65.8% and 26.3% respectively; control 50.0% and 47.4%); almost all were in private practice (92.11% intervention and 95.24% control) PHQ-9 scores (administered by telephone as part of a monthly interview) faxed to the physician monthly for first 6 months PHQ-9 scores (administered by telephone) at 3 and 6 months faxed the to physician at 6 months only
Malpass et al, 201019 Mixed methods (PHQ-9 and in-depth interviews) To explore the extent to which changes in PHQ-9 score over time reflect patients’ accounts of their experiences of depression during the same period; and to explore patients’ experiences of using the PHQ-9 within primary care consultations 10 patients Patients aged 18–75 years with a baseline PHQ-9>10; included if referred by GP to the study after consultation where antidepressants were prescribed, or records indicated a consultation for a new episode of depression; excluded if severely mentally ill, or unable to participate in interviews PHQ-9 to assess the severity of depression over time Patient-reported experience (through interview)
Moore et al, 201221 Retrospective cohort study using primary care records To determine whether there is evidence that GPs change treatment, or decide to refer, on the basis of a change in scores, in line with QOF indicators 604 patients from 13 general practices 69% female; mean age 44.4 years; 35% with previous history of depression; 18% with at least one comorbidity Use of PHQ-9 in people with new diagnosis of depression and completed paired scores at onset and follow-up in line with QOF requirements No comparator

PHQ = Patient Health Questionnaire. QOF = Quality and Outcomes Framework.