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. 2013 Apr 29;63(610):e309–e317. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X667169

Table 4.

Summary of included studies for DEP5 experience

Study reference Study type Aim of study Number of participants Characteristics of participants Method of analysis Methods:
Malpass et al, 201019 Mixed methods (PHQ-9 and in-depth interviews) To explore the extent to which changes in PHQ-9 score over time reflect patients’ accounts of their experiences of depression during the same period; and to explore patients’ experiences of using the PHQ-9 within primary care consultations 10 patients Patients aged 18–75 years with a baseline PHQ-9>10; included if referred by GP to study after consultation where antidepressants were prescribed, or records indicated a consultation for a new episode of depression; excluded if severely mentally ill, or unable to participate in interviews Principles of constant comparison Interviews at the patient’s home as soon as possible after the initial diagnosis, and at 3 and 6 months post diagnosis
Mitchell et al, 201120 Focus groups of healthcare professionals from four general practices To explore primary care practitioner perspectives on the clinical utility of the NICE guideline and the impact of the QOF on diagnosis and management of depression in routine practice 38 participants, including GPs, nurses, doctors in training, mental health workers, and a manager Four diverse practices purposely identified, following a postal invitation to 26 practices in one region Iterative, thematic and self-conscious; emergent content units identified, coded, grouped into themes, and compared across groups Focus groups led by trained facilitator, using topic guide; open questioning used, allowing participants to explore themes

NICE = National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. PHQ = Patient Health Questionnaire. QOF = Quality and Outcomes Framework.