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. 2013 Apr;86(1024):20120469. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20120469

Table 1.

Parameters for T2 weighted (T2W), multiecho T2 and diffusion-weighted sequences

Parameter T2W TSE GraSE multiecho EP DWI
TR (ms) 3643 3000 5129
TE (ms) 110 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 65
Number of slices 20–24 20–24 20–24
FA (°) 90 90 90
Slice thickness (mm) 2.2 2.2 2.2
Field of view (mm) 120 120 180
Matrix Acquired 220×184, recon 256 Acquired 132×105, recon 192 Acquired 80×70, recon 128
NSA 4 2 2
Voxel size (mm/mm/mm) 0.55/0.76/2.2 (acquired), 0.55/0.55/2.2 (recon) 0.91/1.14/2.2 (acquired), 0.63/0.63/2.2 (recon) 2.25/2.54/2.2 (acquired), 1.14/1.41/2.2 (recon)
SENSE factor 1.5 2 2
Scan time (min:s) 4:48×3 2:24 3:20
Other TSE factor 13 TSE factor 5 b=0, 100, 300, 500, 800 s mm−2

EP DWI, echo planar diffusion tensor imaging; FA, flip angle; GraSE, gradient spin echo; NSA, number of signal averages; recon, reconstructed; SENSE, sensitivity encoding; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time; TSE, turbo spin echo.