Figure 1. β-catenin accumulation in MM aggresomes.
(A) IFC analysis of β-catenin MM cell lines grown in vitro. Arrows: perinuclear β-catenin (Zymed, CAT5-H10). (B) Double IFC of β-catenin with HDAC6 (Santa Cruz, sc-28386), ubiquitin (Cell Signaling, P4D1) and γ-tubulin (Santa Cruz, sc-9133). Note that the shape, size and frequency of aggresomes vary. β-catenin is distinct from Golgi markers Giantin (Abcam, ab24586) and 58K (Sigma, 58K-9) (C) as well as ER marker Calnexin (Cell Signaling, C5C9) (D). (E)(i). SEM of an aggresome (asterisk) in an OMP1 cell. Boxed region is enlarged in (ii). (iii) Localization of gold-conjugated β-catenin antibodies (black arrow) in filamentous network and in transcriptionally active sites in nucleus (iv)(yellow arrowheads). (F) Representative examples of β-catenin IHC in NBM and MM patient samples. CD138 (BD Bioscience, 281-2). Scale bars: 5μm. Cy: cytoplasm; Nu: nucleus.