Trust subscale
1. In your village, the CM(s) respect you.
2. In your village, the CM(s) respect all TTMs.
3. In your village, the CM(s) have a bond with you.
9. In your village, do you think all TTMs feel like a part of the team?
13. In your village, the CM(s) and TTMs resolve problems through discussion when you are in disagreement.
14. In your village, the CM(s) and TTMs are united.
16. In your village, the TTMs are an obstacle to your work.
Teamwork subscale
5. You have lost confidence in the CM(s) in your village.
6. The TTMs have lost confidence in the CM(s) in your village.
10. In your village, the other TTMs recognize your experience.
12. In your village, the TTMs push their work onto others. |
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