Figure 3. Genotypic distributions of FecXGr and FecXO mutations.
(A) Genotypic distribution of the BMP15T317I (FecXGr) in the French Grivette sheep population for the litter size phenotype. (B) Genotypic distribution of the BMP15N337H (FecXO) in the Polish Olkuska sheep population for the ovulation rate phenotype. (C) Genotypic distribution of the BMP15T317I (FecXGr) in the French Grivette sheep population for the ovulation rate phenotype. (D) Genotypic distribution of the BMP15N337H (FecXO) in the Polish Olkuska sheep population for the litter size phenotype. The means LS or OR in breeds are firstly presented then ewes were ordered according to their genotype at the mutation of interest. Means±SD for prolificacy were calculated for the 3 groups of genotype and are noted into each histogram bar. Number of ewes counted per group of genotype is mentioned (n). Pairwise statistical comparisons using a one-way ANOVA test between means of genotype's clades were performed and results of statistic test are symbolized by stars. p: * = p<5E−02; ** = p<1E−02 and *** = p<1E−03.