Figure 5. Functional effects of FecXGr and FecXO mutations on the BMP15 activity.
In vitro reporter luciferase assay from COV434 granulosa cells transiently transfected with empty vector +/− 100 ng of recombinant human BMP15 (Control +/− rhBMP15) or wild-type human BMP15 expressing vector (WT) or the 2 different BMP15 variant vectors (BMP15T317I (FecXGr); BMP15N337H (FecXO)) obtained by directed-mutagenesis. Results are expressed as Means±SD of the relative light unit (RLU) from 3 independent experiments in triplicate for each condition. Pairwise statistical comparisons using a one-way ANOVA test between means were performed and results of statistic test are symbolized by stars: * = p<5E−02; ** = p<1E−02 and *** = p<1E−03.