Table 2. Historical respondents' knowledge on tsetse and trypanosomiasis control methods.
Western Kenya | Southeast Uganda | ||
Methods | Percent | Traps | Percent |
Traps | 34.4 | Traps | 30.6 |
Bush Clearing | 21.5 | Bush Clearing | 2.5 |
Ground spray | 0.8 | Ground spray | 0.4 |
Live bait | 0.8 | Live bait | 0.8 |
Animal treatment | 0.9 | Animal treatment | 0.4 |
Medical treatment | 0.0 | Medical treatment | 2.1 |
Keeping livestock away from homestead | Nil | Keeping livestock away from homestead | 0.4 |
Not bathing in river | 0.9 | Not bathing in river s | Nil |
Avoiding bushy areas | Nil | Avoiding bushy areas | 0.4 |
Drainage of stagnant water | 0.4 | Drainage of stagnant water | Nil |
Putting on white and long sleeved clothes | Nil | Putting on white and long sleeved clothes | 0.4 |
Bush burning | Nil | Bush burning | 0.4 |
Hand catching | Nil | Hand catching | 0.4 |
Don't know | 0.7 | Don't know | 0.8 |