Figure 8.
Nephrin localization in zebrafish mpp5am520 mutant. (A1, B1) Hematoxylin and eosin staining. In the 4 days postfertilization (dpf) zebrafish mpp5am520 mutant, pronephric glomerular architecture is disrupted (B1), in comparison with the 4 dpf wild type (A1). The epithelioid cell mass is constantly found beneath the notochord. (A2, B2) Nephrin immunostaining. In wild type (A2), Nephrin is clearly recognized as two tortuous line segments, but no signal is found along the entire surface of the podocyte cell body. On the other hand, in the mpp5am520 mutant, Nephrin is specifically found along the cell mass as a botryoidally aggregated pattern (B2). Insets (A2′, B2′) schematically show the topological pattern of Nephrin immunoreactivity. N, notochord. Bar scale, 50 µm.