Table 2.
Cell type | Factors used for repro-gramming | No of aberrant/analysed clones | Karyotype | Literature |
miPS cell lines | 4 factors including c-Myc | 6 of 9 cell lines | Trisomy or Robertsonian translocation of chromosome 14, trisomy 8 | Chen Q et al, Chromosome Res (2011) [29] |
miPS cell lines | Various conditions | 27 of 127 cell lines with gene expression profiles obtained from the GEO database* | Trisomy 8, trisomy 11/gains of 11D-11E, deletions of 14C-14E | Ben-David U & Benvenisty N, Stem Cells (2012) [18] |
hiPSC | Non-Silencing of 4 factors | 1 of 4 clones using karyotyping and mFISH | Translocation between chromosome 1 and 17, gain of 1q, trisomy 5 | Ramos-Mejia V et al, Cell Res (2010) [26] |
hiPSC | Cell lines from different institutions | 13 of 66 cell lines with gene expression profiles obtained from the GEO database* | Trisomy 1, 9, 12 and 17, gain of 12p and 17q, Loss of 15q | Mayshar Y et al, Cell Stem Cell (2010) [23] |
hiPS cell llines | No influence of reprogramming factors | 22 hiPS cell lines analysed with SNP arrays | Median number of of copy number variations (CNV) 109; higher number in early than in late passages | Hussein SM et al, Nature (2011) [13] |
hiPSC | Cell lines from different institutions | 3 of 11 cell lines analysed with karyotyping and SNP arrays | Extra copies of chromosome 12, inversion of chromosome 5 | The International Stem Cell Initiative, Nat Biotechnol (2011) [14] |
hiPS | Different time points during cultivation and differentiation | 37 cell lines analysed with high-resolution SNP arrays | Deletions of regions containing tumor suppressor genes, duplications of regions containing oncogenes | Laurent LC et al, Cell Stem Cell 2011) [15] |
hiPSC | Reprogramming by | 4 of 8, 2 of 6, 3 of 4 clones, resp, using array containing probes for chr. 5-13 and parts of chr. 4 and 14 | Deletion of chromosome 9, 13, 14, duplication of chromosome 13, gain of chromosome 8, amplification of chromosome 7 | Pasi CE et al, Cell Death Diff (2011) [28] |
- c-MYC | ||||
- 3 factors | ||||
- 4 factors | ||||
hiPSC | Prolonged culture | 1 of 2 cell lines analysed by G-banding, aCGH, FISH | ish amp(1)(q21qter) | Dekel-Naftali et al, Eur J Hum Genet (2012) [21] |
chromosome aberrations were detected by a methodology based on gene expression profiling (Ben-David et al., Cell Stem Cell 2011 [59]).