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. 2013 Mar 24;288(17):12080–12089. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.462473



Gpr177 is required for mouse tooth morphogenesis. A–D, in situ hybridization shows Gpr177 expression in the molar epithelium and mesenchyme throughout early tooth development. E and F, X-gal staining shows Cre activity in the dental epithelium of K14Cre;Rosa26R molar germs at the lamina (E) and early bud stage (F). G and H, immunohistochemical staining using antibodies against Gpr177 shows Gpr177 expression in the wild type molar (G) but absent Gpr177 staining in the dental and adjacent oral epithelium of Gpr177K14cre molar germ (H) at E12.5. I–P, histological analyses show that Gpr177K14cre molar developed normally to the late tooth bud stage (J) but was arrested at the early cap stage at E14.5 (L) and E16.5 (N) and became regressed at E18.5 (P; pointed out by the arrowhead). de, dental epithelium; dm, dental mesenchyme. Scale bars, 50-μm in panels I–L; 100-μm in panels M and N; 200-μm in panels O and P.