Figure 6.
Mi2β occupies the γ-globin gene promoter and acts in a partially independent manner from GATA-1/FOG-1/NuRD. (A) ChIP assays showing significant Mi2β enrichment at the γ-globin promoter region in CID cells. The mouse α-spectrin gene was used as a negative control. (B) qPCR results showing knockdown of FOG-1 leads to a ∼3-fold induction of the γ-globin (hγ) and an ∼2.5-fold induction of the β-globin (hβ) gene. (C) Simultaneous knockdown of MBD2 and FOG-1 leads to an approximate sevenfold induction of γ-globin and an approximate threefold induction of β-globin. (D) Western blot showing both FOG-1 and MBD2 knockdown in CID cells. Error bars represent the standard deviation of ≥3 experiments. *P < .05 and **P < .02 according to the Student t test.