(A) Dauv-1 human melanoma cells were transfected with 100 nM siRNA scramble (si scr) or 100 nM siRNA directed against CSK (si CSK) and their migration was measured in a scratch wound assay. Representative pictures of the size of the scratch wound 0 and 15 h after wounding are shown. Red lines indicate the front of migration of the cells.
(B) The percentage of closure for each wound was evaluated from microscopy images at 30-minute intervals. Experiments were performed three times, with six replicates in each experiment. Error bars: 95% confidence interval of the mean. p-values were estimated at different times: p-value at 3 hours = 10−4, p-value at 6 hours = 2 10−3 and p-value at 15 hours = 10−2.
(C) The abundance of CSK, SRC and its phosphorylated forms in the cells tracked in panel A was assessed by western blotting. The phosphorylation of tyrosine 416 of Src (SRCYP416a) upregulates its kinase activity whereas the phosphorylation of tyrosine 527 of Src (SRCYP527i) renders the enzyme less active. Actin was as loading control.