Panel A: perceptual – visuo-motor relation binned across the 3 eccentricities for each participant (squares = 15 deg/vis angle, diamonds = 16 deg/vis angle, triangles = 17deg/vis angle); audio-visual condition (white symbols, thick line): y = 1.24x−0.19, t(37) = 2.90 (slope parameter, p<0.05 based on 2000 bootstrapped repetitions), r2 = 0.57; visual-only condition (black symbols, dotted line): y = −0.15x+0.48, t(37) = −0.28 (slope parameter, ns based on 2000 bootstrapped repetitions), r2 = 0.08. Panel B: 95% confidence interval of interaction parameter between audio-visual and visual-only condition suggesting how the slope in the audio-visual condition is significantly different from the visual only-condition (mean bootstrapped interaction parameter = 1.58).