Chromosomal localization of TaSKs. A: chromosome localization of TaSK1-A,-B,-C. PCR on tetrasomic-nullisomic and nullisomic lines (cv Chinese Spring ) as well as control wheat genomic DNA (cv Bobwhite and Sonora) performed with primers specific for TaSK1-A (upper agarose gel), for TaSK1-B (middle agarose gel), and for TaSK1-C (lower agarose gel). B: chromosome localization of TaSK2-A,-B,-C. PCR on tetrasomic-nullisomic and nullisomic lines (cv Chinese Spring ) as well as control wheat genomic DNA (cv Bobwhite and Sonora) performed with primers specific for TaSK2-A (upper agarose gel), and for TaSK2-B (middle agarose gel). Lower agarose gel shows the result of the PCR performed using specific primers to amplify TaSK2 sequences followed by a Rsa1 endonuclease digestion, this digestion site being specific to TaSK2-C. Arrows show the fragments resulting from the Rsa1 digestion of TaSK2-C amplicons. Arrowhead indicates the non-digested amplicons of TaSK2-A and TaSK2-B. N:nullisomic; T:tetrasomic; the letters A,B,D in the line name indicate the three genomes of hexaploid Triticum aestivum.