Five-vertex motifs. (A–C) Five-vertex Archimedean tilings of the plane as sketched by Johannes Kepler in Harmonices Mundi. (A) Snub hexagonal tiling, (B) elongated triangular tiling, and (C) snub square tiling. (D–F) Fivefold coordination node of cerium and carbonitrile linkers on Ag(111). (D) Paraterphenyl-dicarbonitrile; C (H, N) atoms in green (white, blue). (E and F) High-resolution STM image (size, 44 Å × 44 Å2, Vbias = 0.8 V, I = 0.1 nA measured at 6 K) and model of isolated pentameric Ce–carbonitrile coordination unit.