Fig. 5.
AES multisensory neurons can be divided into several operational categories based on how space influences their multisensory interactions. Shown in the 3 columns are data from 3 representative AES neurons. A: the mean visual (solid blue), auditory (solid green), multisensory (solid red), and predicted additive (i.e., V+A, dashed) responses for spatially coincident stimulus pairings at a number of azimuthal locations. B: bar graphs plot the sign and magnitude of the multisensory interaction as a function of spatial location. C: points and fitted lines show mean statistical contrast as a function of spatial location. Note that the neuron represented in the left column shows significant enhancements to all stimulus pairings and that these enhancements typically exceed the additive prediction (i.e., are superadditive). In contrast, the neuron in the middle column almost invariably exhibits response depressions, with the interactions being exclusively subadditive. The final example shows a more complex pattern of multisensory interactions, showing superadditive enhancements at some locations and subadditive interactions at other locations (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).