Table 2.
Editing ratios of constitutive A-to-I sites at one editing box in 18 human samples
chr2: | 37,328,008 | 37,328,012 | 37,328,013 | 37,328,016 | 37,328,034 | 37,328,075 | 37,328,082 | 37,328,087 | 37,328,100 |
H9 |
9.1% |
5.6% |
43.3% |
26.9% |
20.0% |
8.3% |
HeLa |
11.5% |
24.7% |
8.5% |
71.8% |
45.8% |
18.9% |
16.7% |
Adipose |
30.2% |
41.5% |
20.7% |
78.0% |
74.2% |
63.3% |
38.1% |
8.8% |
Adrenal |
41.9% |
7.5% |
32.3% |
25.9% |
87.8% |
69.5% |
53.0% |
38.6% |
Brain |
24.3% |
5.6% |
42.3% |
28.0% |
87.2% |
63.8% |
46.8% |
26.6% |
14.6% |
Breast |
9.7% |
14.2% |
15.5% |
63.8% |
47.0% |
50.0% |
12.5% |
Colon |
19.3% |
19.6% |
18.1% |
91.8% |
50.8% |
7.0% |
26.9% |
Heart |
9.1% |
18.4% |
53.3% |
13.3% |
17.6% |
18.4% |
Kidney |
22.4% |
6.4% |
29.1% |
58.9% |
45.9% |
15.1% |
6.5% |
Liver |
50.0% |
54.2% |
76.0% |
Lung |
26.4% |
7.8% |
19.6% |
13.7% |
59.5% |
29.3% |
Lymph Node |
29.8% |
14.3% |
65.7% |
39.1% |
20.0% |
48.6% |
Ovary |
11.2% |
40.1% |
15.4% |
71.2% |
32.5% |
25.8% |
23.5% |
Prostate |
27.8% |
7.9% |
43.4% |
30.3% |
79.7% |
95.6% |
46.7% |
33.2% |
11.4% |
Skeletal Muscle |
33.3% |
20.9% |
Testes |
19.6% |
16.1% |
15.5% |
89.0% |
42.6% |
38.8% |
31.1% |
5.5% |
Thyroid |
13.2% |
8.2% |
31.8% |
20.3% |
64.8% |
17.6% |
28.8% |
32.0% |
White Bllod Cell |
7.6% |
31.1% |
24.5% |
66.3% |
26.3% |
36.7% |
13 |
5 |
8 |
13 |
10 |
3 |
5 |
12 |
7 |
Darned databasea |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Li, et al. 200924 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Bahn, et al. 2012-BC9 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Bahn, et al. 2012-U87MG9 |
Yes |
Yes |
Peng, et al. 20128 |
Yes |
Ramaswami, et al. 201210 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Predicted editing ratios of nine A-to-I sites in editing box at chr2: 37,328,008 -37,328,100 are listed in all examined cell lines/tissues. Blank indicates either no editing or failure of passing our stringent cutoffs (HPB > 5, etc.). Five annotated sites were reported from different datasets/analyses. aDataset of RNA editing at