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. 2013 May 17;3:tre-03-139-2924-1. doi: 10.7916/D8CF9NVD
First Name Last Name Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Hubert Fernandez Hubert Fernandez is a consultant for Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
Fernando Pagan Fernando Pagan is an investigator in XCiDaBLE for Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
Fabio O. Danisi Fabio O. Danisi is an investigator in XCiDaBLE for Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
David Greeley David Greeley is an investigator in XCiDaBLE for Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
Joseph Jankovic Joseph Jankovic has received research grants and compensation for services as a consultant or an advisory board committee member from Allergan, Inc.; Ipsen Limited; and Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC. He was an investigator on the XCiDaBLE trial.
Amit Verma Amit Verma is an employee of Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
Kapil Sethi Kapil Sethi is an employee of Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
Pappert Eric J. Eric J. Pappert is a former employee of Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.