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Introduction to BMI |
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Essential concepts in BMI |
Data in medicine: acquisition and use.
Information and knowledge taxonomy (DIKW).
Hardware and software: structure and function of computers.
Information and communications technology.
Standards in BMI.
Technology evaluation.
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Databases and medical digital libraries |
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Internet and the medical profession |
History and definition of Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, Health 2.0
Use of the internet for the medical professional: advantages, limitations and challenges.
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Cybermedicine |
Electronic health record.
Hospital information systems.
Imaging informatics and radiology.
Interinstitutional health information systems.
Artificial intelligence (expert systems).
Robotic medicine.
Simulators in medicine. Virtual reality.
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E-learning |
The net generation: social and educational aspects.
Virtual learning environments.
Wikis, blogs, podcasts, vodcasts, Twitter, Facebook.
Use of technology in scientific presentations (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc).
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Bioinformatics (biomolecular informatics) |
Definition of bioinformatics.
Applications in molecular biology, genomic medicine and clinical practice.
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Ethics and BMI |