Figure 3.
Absence of RKIP potentiates light-induced phase delays and phase advances in circadian locomotor rhythms. A–D, Representative double-plotted activity profiles of RKIP+/+ (A, C) and RKIP−/− (B, D) mice. Mice were stably entrained to a fixed LD cycle before release into DD. After 2 weeks in DD, mice received a 15 min light pulse (30 lux intensity: yellow circle) at either CT 15 (A, B) or CT 22 (C, D) and returned to DD for an additional 2 weeks. Periods of darkness are shaded in gray. Activity onsets are indicated by blue lines. y-axis indicates the nth day of study. x-axis indicates time in hours. E, Quantification of light-induced phase shifts. Values represent mean ± SEM (minutes) phase shift. Negative values indicate phase delays, whereas positive values indicate phase advances. n = 9–13 per group. *p < 0.05 vs RKIP+/+ controls.