Currently taking nutritional oil supplements;
Daily LTRA therapy currently or within last 8 weeks;
Daily oral corticosteroid use;
Hospitalization or urgent medical care visit for asthma within past 4 weeks;
Allergy to fish or fish oil supplements or omega-3-acid ethyl esters or soy in the past;
Febrile illness within past 24 hours (>38.0C) or upper respiratory infections within the past 2 weeks;
Currently planning any changes in diet during the run-in or treatment period;
Any smoking history within the past 2 years;
Any patient with a history of prolonged bleeding time, coagulopathy, or severe clinical bleeding (prolonged nose bleeds or menorrhagia);
Any patient currently taking daily therapeutic anti-coagulants or blood thinners (such as aspirin, warfarin, heparin or NSAIDS);
For girls: Current pregnancy, or recent pregnancy and currently lactating; females enrolled must agree to practice an adequate birth control method (abstinence, combination, barrier/spermicide, OCP) for the duration of the study;
Concurrent diseases that, in the investigator’s opinion, would interfere with participation in the study or might put the participant at risk by participating;
Inability to give informed consent or comply with study procedures.