Figure 2.
Deviations of NOE ratios at 600 MHz when the proton carrier is placed at 0 ppm during the effective saturation of protons. (a) Difference between the NOE ratios measured for all rigid 15N-1H pairs of human ubiquitin with the proton carrier placed at 0 ppm or 8.2 ppm. Each point corresponds to the amide 15N-1H pair for a specific residue. The RF amplitude during effective proton saturation was 9 kHz, the interpulse delay 22 ms, and the duration of saturation 4 s. (b) Numerical calculations of the NOE deviation with the carrier placed at 0 ppm. Parameters used in the simulations are the same as in experiments with the following parameters for local dynamics: S2 = 0.7 and τe = 60 ps, and a correlation time for the overall motion τc = 4.5 ns.