Fig. 2.
Different kinds of images for the aortic arch of control, DKO, and APOE-KO mice, respectively, after removing the adventitial layer. (a)–(c) Optical images acquired with the aid of microscope for the aortic arches of the control, DKO, and APOE-KO mice, respectively. Arrows highlight suspected atherosclerotic lesions. The dash lines indicate approximately cross-sections used in the following ultrasound imaging and histology, (d)–(f) ultrasound B-mode images for the cross-sections indicated by dash lines at the bifurcation of the control, DKO, and APOE-KO mice, respectively, and (g)–(i) approximately matched histology sections stained with Masson's trichrome for the cross-sections used in ultrasound imaging (d)–(f). Blue represents fibrotic tissue, red represents muscle filament, and orange represents erythrocytes (thrombus). Darker dense blue represents possible calcification area. Morphological matching is observed between various kinds of images (bar = 1 mm). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)