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. 2013 Apr 30;5(2):e00112. doi: 10.1042/AN20120066

Table 2. In vitro studies of effect of α-synuclein on microglia.

α-syn, α-Synuclein; O, oligomeric; F, fibrils; PF, protofibrils; N, nitrated; CM, conditioned media; ROS, reactive oxygen species; KO, knockout; *DM, double mutant not occurring in humans; ** α-syn content in CSF is not addressed; in italics, markers included in the studies that did not show any change.

Reference α-Syn Type/origin Cell Observations Notes
Zhang et al., 2005 WT 7-days aged O-α-syn 1. Rat mesencephalic neuro-glia ↑ROS and PGE2 These changes required phagocytocis of α-syn. Mediated by (but not only) NADPH oxidase
2. Rat primary microglia Activated microglia profile
No change in TNF or nitrites
Jin et al., 2007 WT 1. LB disease post mortem brain tissue Prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype2 KO primary microglia 1. Lack of EP2 ↑ α-syn clearance
2. 7-days aged O-α-syn 2. O-α-syn induced p67 and p47 phox translocation
P47 translocation is EP2 dependent
Thomas et al., 2007 Murine Non-aggregated and aggregated (O,F and PF) N-α-syn 50–500 nM Mouse primary microglia ↑ROS production if α-syn aggregated. Inhibited by K+ or H+ channels blockers ↑ ROS not due to debris presence or unspecific amyloid effect.
Zhang et al., 2007 WT; A53T; A30P Recombinant 250 nM Rat midbrain neuroglia DAergic toxicity in all three α-syn mediated by microglia production of superoxide and intracellular ROS. This is partially Mac-1 mediated and independent of phagocytosis Mediated by (but not only) Phox
Su et al., 2008 WT Recombinant 10, 50 and 250 nM Mouse primary microglia ↑Activated Iba1+ cells↑TNF release↑mRNA TNF, COX2, IL-1β, IL6, NOX and iNOS↑ROS This is attenuated in CD36 KO cultures and mediated by ERK1/2 phosphorylation
Su et al., 2009 (*)DM- A30P–A53T Recombinant 2.5, 5 and 10 nM Mouse primary microglia ↑Activated Iba1+ cells↑mRNA TNF, IL-1β, IL6, IL10, COX2, NOX2 and iNOS↑TNF and IL-1β This is attenuated in CD36 KO cultures and mediated by ERK1/2 phosphorylation
Klegeris et al., 2008 WT; A53T; A30P; E46K; Δ71–82 Recombinant monomeric 1. Human THP-1. 1. ↑TNF release by A53T and IL-1β by A53T an A30P in naïve THP-1. CM from IFN-γ primed-THP-1 exposed to any α-syn induced SHSY5Y toxicity and ↑ TNF and IL-1β release Analysis of phosphorylation in WT α-syn-primed THP-1 showed ERK1 and 2, p38 and JNK MAP kinases activation
2. Human primary microglia 2. CM from WT IFN-γ-primed-microglia induced toxicity SHSY5Y
Park et al., 2008 WT; A53T; A30P; E46K; Δ1-95; NAC Aggregated (F) and monomeric 1. BV2. 1. All monomeric α-syn and Δ1-95↑phagocyt Aggregated α-syn ↓phagocyt and abolish monomeric induced phagocytosis. ↑Phagocyt not mediated by CR3, α6β1 integrin or CD47. β and γ-syn did not ↑phagocytosis
2. Rat primary microglia 2 and 3. Monomeric α-syn ↑phagocyt
3. RAW 264.7 murine macrophage
Reynolds et al., 2008a Murine Aggregated (O) unmodified and N-α-syn 100 nM 1. Mouse primary microglia. N-α-syn ↑ TNF, IL-6, MCP-1 and IFN-γ GDNF and BDNF is also increase in microglia upon stimulation
2. (1) co-culture with MES23.5 Both unmodified and N-α-syn induced TH+ cell death in co-culture or using CM from (1) Transcriptome analysis, please refer to the original article.
↑ mRNA in microglia: TNF, CCl2, IL-6, IL-1β, NFkB1-2, Rela, Fos, Raf1, Card10 and Casp8
Reynolds et al., 2008b Murine Aggregated N-α-syn 100 nM Mouse primary microglia Complex response of microglia with both proinflammatory and putative neuroprotective profile If unaggregated N-α-syn did not induce changes.
Lee et al., 2009 WT; A53T; A30P; E46K Recombinant monomeric 0.1, 1, 5 and 10 μM 1. Macrophages RAW264.7 1. WT ↑TNF, COX2 and iNOS. All mutants ↑TNF Same was true for β and γ-syn NAC sequence is not necessary for activation
2. Human primary macrophages 2. WT ↑TNF
Wilms et al., 2009 WT Recombinant α-syn O and F 0.5, 5, 50 and 500 ng/ml Rat primary microglia O-α-syn most efficiently induced ameboid shape and ↑NF-κB, p38 and ERk1/2 MAP kinases and ↑nitrites production
Kim et al., 2009 WT; A53T; A30P 1. Transient transfection 1. BV2. ↑CD44 expression and cleavage ↑Mt1-MMP expression by BV2 transfected and exogenous α-syn on BV2 and microglia If transplanted in vivo α-syn pretreated BV2 migrates from striatum to SN in a 6-OHDA PD model
2. Recombinant 100 nM 2. Mouse primary microglia A53T overexpression ↑BV2 migration
α-Syn overexpression in BV2 ↑ERK1/2
Roodveldt et al., 2010 WT; A53T; A30P; E46K Monomeric (0.2, 1 and 5 μg/ml) 1. Mouse primary mixed glia2. Mouse primary microglia ↑IL-6 Mixed all α-syn. Enrich. A30P and E46K↑IL-1β A30P and E46K↑IL-10 Mixed A30P;↓IL-10 Enrich Microg A53T↑IL-10, RANTES, MCP-1 and MIP-1α: A30P and E46K↑ MCP-1 and MIP-1α: Mixed WT↑ TNF and IFNγ Enrich A30P↑Phagocyt. WT and A53T; ↓Phagocyt. A30P and E46K
Lee et al., 2010 WT; A53T 1. Monomeric 1, 5, 10μM. Rat primary microglia 1. ↑TNF, Nitrite, IL-1β and ROS; ↑NFkB and AP-1 DNA binding and MAPK phosphorylation Inhibition of MMP-3, 8 or 9 suppresses pro-inflammatory α-syn effect
2. CM SHSY5Y-expressing α-syn 2. CM: ↑TNF, Nitrite, IL-1β and ROS
Schiess et al., 2010 WT CSF from sporadic PD (**) HTB15 human glioblastoma ↓ growth rate↑ intracellular α-syn Unclear whether the increase is due to of ↑ α-syn expression or ↑uptake of exogenous α-syn
Alvarez-Erviti et al., 2011 WT; A53T CM SHSY5Y-expressing α-syn BV2 CM Wt: N.Ch. If MPP+ pre-treated SHSY5Y: CM WT: mRNA TNF and IL-1α; ↑TNF
CM A53T: mRNA Il-1β; ↑IL-1β A53T: mRNA IL-1β; ↑IL-1β
Recomb WT: mRNA TNF, mRNA IL-1α; ↑TNF
Couch et al., 2011 WT Recombinant BV2 Translocation NF-κB p65 to nucleus
↑TNF release
Beraud et al., 2011 WT 7-days aged O+F 50 nM 1. BV2 1. ↑NO and TNF release and ↑mRNA IL-1β, Peroxiredoxine-1, Heme oxigenase-1, TLR2 and3 ↓mRNA TLR7 Microglia is activated through a classical activation pathway.
2. Mouse primary microglia 2. ↑mRNA TLR2, 3, 1 and 7, MYD88, Iba1, NFkB, TNF and IL-1β; ↓mRNA TLR4, 6 and 9 and CD36
Stefanova et al., 2011 WT 1. Debris from U373 cells (human astrocytoma) transfected with α-syn BV2 TLR4-dependent phagocytosis
2. Recombinant
Rojanathammanee et al., 2011 WT; A53T; A30P Transient transfection BV2 ↑COX2↓Phagocytosis and LAMP1↑TNF releaseA53T ↑nitrite and IL6 release It did not change BV2 survival or lead to neuronal toxicity in co-culture
No change in cPLA2, PLD1-2 and COX1