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. 2013 Apr 30;5(2):e00112. doi: 10.1042/AN20120066

Table 3. Microglia activation and neuroinflammation in rodent models of nigral dopaminergic cell death.

MPTP, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, 6-OHDA, 6-hydroxi-dopamine; AAV, adeno associated virus; MHC I/II, major histocompatibility complex I/II; MFB: medial forbrain bundle; TLR, Toll-like-receptor; TH, thyrosine hydroxylase; DA, dopaminergic; SN, substantia nigra; Str, striatum; α-Syn, α-synuclein; WT, wild-type; Tg, transgenic; mo, months; wks, weeks; d, day(s); hr, hour(s); nd, not determined.

Model Species TH+cell loss in SN TH+fibre loss in Str Gliosis in SN MHC II CD68 Comment Reference
Subchronic MPTP Mouse 2 hr peak d7 2 hr recovered by d28 Peak at d1, persists at lower levels to d21 2 hr nd C1q expression (after 2 hr) Depboylu et al., 2011
Intravenous MPTP, chronic vs subacute Cynomolgus monkey Subacute <acute nd nd all positive; peak at 6 mo for chronic and persists to 35 mo nd Vazquez-Claverie et al., 2009)
Unilateral intra-SN delivery of two different dose of AAV2/4-αSyn Rat Only at high α-syn dose (4 wks) Progressive in both groups high >> low dose Neurodegeneration of greater magnitude; peak at 4 wks and prior to cell death (8 wks) Neurodegeneration > cell death; peak at 4 wks, persists to 15 wks Only cell death, at all times, peak 8 wks T cells and B cell infiltration, neurodegeneration; MHC II+ in Str Sanchez-Guajardo et al., 2010
Unilateral intra-SN delivery of AAV2/5-WT or A53T α Syn Marmoset monkey A53T α-syn after 12 mo nd WT 100% increase A53T 80% increase A53T > WT nd HLA-DR+ CD19+ cells; 4 morphologies, A53T more polarized than WT Barkholt et al., 2012
Unilateral intra-SN delivery of AAV2-α-Syn Mouse nd nd nd nd 4 wks, 2 and 12 mo stereologic quantification of lymphocytes; IgG deposition Theodore et al., 2008
Unilateral injection 6-OHDA in MFB Rat From d3 peak d9 nd From d1; peak d15 From d1; peak at d9 (>CD68); persists to d15 From d3 peak at d15 (>MHC II) MHC II in contact with neurites or live cells; CD68 in contact with caspase+ cells Marinova-Mutafchieva et al., 2009
Unilateral injection 6-OHDA in nigrostriatal system Rat 50% d1 nd From d5 activated; peak at d7–14 and persists to d35 nd nd Two morphologically distinct microglia; activated: big stoma, short processes Henry et al., 2009
Unilateral injection 6-OHDA in nigrostriatal system rat nd nd nd from d4-6, d6< MHC I d30 present (no MHC I); d90 absent nd MHC I: d3 look like leucocytes, d4–6 microglia Akiyama and McGeer, 1989
Intranasal injection of 6-OHDA Rat 50% 75% Yes nd nd Preceded onset of dopaminergic loss Armentero et al., 2006
Transgenic α-Syn overexpression Tg mice (Thy1 promoter) Non Non From 1mo in Str; from 5-6mo in SN After 14mo in Str nd Gliosis and MHC II expression independent of DA cell loss; T cells ↑in serum (22 mo); Altered TLR expression Watson et al., 2012