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. 2013 Feb 26;34(17):1279–1291. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/eht055

Table 2.

Selected baseline characteristics of randomized participants

China Europe All
Number randomized 10 932 14 741 25 673
 Mean age (SD) 63.4 (7.6) 65.9 (7.2) 64.9 (7.5)
 Male (%) 8680 (79.4%) 12 549 (85.1%) 21 229 (82.7%)
 Coronary disease 8407 (76.9%) 11 730 (79.6%) 20 137 (78.4%)
 Cerebrovascular disease 4462 (40.8%) 3708 (25.2%) 8170 (31.8%)
 Peripheral arterial disease 508 (4.6%) 2706 (18.4%) 3214 (12.5%)
 Diabetes mellitusa 4611 (42.2%) 3688 (25.0%) 8299 (32.3%)
 Treated hypertension 6894 (63.1%) 9025 (61.2%) 15 919 (62.0%)
 Smoking status
  Never 4197 (38.4%) 4529 (30.7%) 8726 (34.0%)
  Former 4248 (38.9%) 8089 (54.9%) 12 337 (48.1%)
  Current 2487 (22.7%) 2123 (14.4%) 4610 (18.0%)
 Alcohol intake (units/week)
  None 9516 (87.0%) 5669 (38.5%) 15 185 (59.1%)
  >0 <21 1243 (11.4%) 7780 (52.8%) 9023 (35.1%)
  ≥21 173 (1.6%) 1292 (8.8%) 1465 (5.7%)
Physical measurements
 Mean systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (SD) 142.8 (22.4) 144.1 (20.1) 143.5 (21.1)
 Mean diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (SD) 79.9 (12.2) 81.1 (10.7) 80.6 (11.4)
 Mean body mass index (kg/m2) (SD) 26.2 (3.3) 28.8 (5.0) 27.7 (4.5)
 Current statin use (years)
  None 5625 (51.5%) 566 (3.8%) 6191 (24.1%)
  >0 <3 4339 (39.7%) 3811 (25.9%) 8150 (31.7%)
  ≥3 968 (8.9%) 10 364 (70.3%) 11 332 (44.1%)
 Study LDL-lowering therapy (daily)
  Simvastatin 40 mg 8051 (73.6%) 5491 (37.2%) 13 542 (52.7%)
  Ezetimibe/simvastatin 10/40 mg 2881 (26.4%) 9250 (62.8%) 12 131 (47.3%)
 Non-study medications
  Aspirin 9417 (86.1%) 12 742 (86.4%) 22 159 (86.3%)
  Other antiplatelet 1910 (17.5%) 2727 (18.5%) 4637 (18.1%)
  ACEi or ARBb 4657 (42.6%) 10 090 (68.4%) 14 747 (57.4%)
  Diuretic 969 (8.9%) 3750 (25.4%) 4719 (18.4%)
  Calcium channel blocker 3454 (31.6%) 3638 (24.7%) 7092 (27.6%)
  Beta blocker 5635 (51.5%) 9495 (64.4%) 15 130 (58.9%)

aSelf-reported, or baseline plasma glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol/L if fasted <8 h or ≥7.0 mmol/L if fasted ≥8 h, or baseline HbA1c ≥48 mmol/mol, or use of hypoglycaemic medication at randomization.

bAngiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or angiotensin-2 receptor blocker (ARB).